Neuroinformatics view on neuron / brain basic activity

October 2, 2017

I would like to initiate a discussion on some topics, which I described in my book ( This is not a commercial message (a trial to accelerate selling of my book) – I just do not have better / simpler way to send you my book on cognitive / brain logic topic (mostly). The book is, in fact, the invitation to such a discussion: I started to analyze the brain from the view 1 layer up of the hardware (Layer 2 of the ISO OSI model of the network and up) i.e. on the basic cyber logic with consequences on “instruction level” of neurons (defining the “aminonics” approach / solution). I proposed the theory of the evolution of species based on genetics which contradicts the Darwin’s theory (well, it moves the Darwin theory down to some 3% importance / effectivity in real life). The theory perfectly shows the mechanism of talent transfer from parents to childs based on genetics (I wonder if it was explained ever). I proposed the proverbs as a form of differential equation to be basic way of neuronal activity. The instruction set of neuron could be aminoacid chemical reaction but on very low level of cyber operations – both input and output is information stored in atomic structure of the aminoacid. Data are coded on this level – not just on the level of 0s and 1s. Extremely fast processing – do you know how fast is a chemical reaction? Picoseconds? Fentoseconds? Attoseconds? Low power. If you like my ideas, check it here: . I appreciate your comments. Thanks. „Professor, I know that you are highly esteemed, but I really don’t envy that mess in your head“