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  • Anders Modén created the group Group logo of Deep Genetic LearningDeep Genetic Learning 7 years, 3 months ago

    • Hi Anders, how are you? This is not a commercial message (a trial to accelerate selling of my book) – I just do not have better / simpler way to send you my book on cognitive topic (mostly). I started to analyze the brain from the view 1 layer up of the hardware 🙂 i.e. on the basic cyber logic with consequences on “instruction level” of neurons (defining the “aminonics” solution). I proposed the theory of the evolution of species based on genetics which contradicts the Darwin’s theory (well, it moves the Darwin theory down to some 3% importance / effectivity in real life). My theory perfectly shows the mechanism of talent transfer from parents to childs based on genetics (I wonder if it was explained ever). If you like my ideas, check it here: . I appreciate your comments. Thanks. Petr