We already know the stories of people who have become so immersed in videogames that they have paid the ultimate price. These poor individuals have stopped sleeping, eating, visiting the bathroom; they have not attended to any of their bodily needs for so long that they have died. Worse still are the stories where people have failed to attend to their children, like the South Korean couple who became so addicted to caring for a virtual child that their own infant starved to death. So, we know videogames can be deadly addictive. Could virtual reality be even worse? For most people, even an all-night videogame binge session can be brought to a swift end by the interference of appetite, a phonecall, or the dog fussing for its morning walk. Add whole-immersion virtual reality gaming to the equ...
Rolls-Royce is looking for tech talent – graduates, developers, data scientists, and computer vision startups to build an automated decision-making system for inspection processes. A two-day hackathon on October 15-16 in Sheffield in the heart of AMRC Factory 2050. A chance to work with Rolls-Royce, win a cash prize of £10,000, and access to top-level mentorship experts. Numerical datasets will be provided to train your models on. Register today! http://bit.ly/2O6z4MN #RollsRoyceHack
All, I would really really like your feedback on Neurons, especially how we can make the online portal more engaging to yourselves. The online portal is in part to support the chapters and the local communities that are forming around each chapter, but it is also about building a global community and platform for communication that supports all the other websites and activities that are part of Informed.AI, these include into.AI, Awards.AI and Events.AI to name a few. I have already said that this is a community platform for the community by the community and I am very keen to hear peoples feedback. I held a roundtable forum a few months ago, to allow people to help input into the direct of the platform, and will do more of these on a ongoing basis, but people can also give me feedback dir...
Wouldn’t it be cool if non-player characters were more interactive? What if they were almost like real people? With artificial intelligence developing at speed, developers are beginning to consider this as a real possibility. Well, I say ‘beginning’. In fact, AI has had a part to play in gaming for a while now. Perhaps one of the most well-known early examples is The Sims, which, in terms of its use of artificial intelligence, was actually way ahead of its time. Indeed, it has continued to use more and more sophisticated algorithms to drive character behaviour with each new version. Lots of smaller, indie games have used AI in interesting ways to tell stories and build emotional engagement. Games like 2012’s Prom Week, developed by the University of California Santa Cruz, and the rather od...
The following is the introduction to MindMeld: CEO & AI Merging of Mental & Metal book available now via iBooks – Available on iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac. https://aiuserforum.com/mindmeld-ceo-ai-merging-of-mental-metal-book/ Book Review – “As the CEO of a energy industrial company and actively involved in CEO Leadership Forums I have been following AI for more than a decade. Indeed the promises for improving many technical tasks are interesting yet in reality often prove more complex to manage than proposed. MindMeld was very profound in proposing that AI starts not at the bottom of the organization but with CXO decision-making and worth reading by anyone in or rising to the boardroom.” George B. For interviews, professional guidance, product/market...
All, We are celebrating our 3rd Anniversary with a Summer Party on Tuesday 19th June, 6pm. A free event that is purely a networking opportunity, so come and meet others working in the industry of AI and celebrate with the founder of Neurons.AI and Informed.AI, Dr Andy Pardoe. Our third anniversary is a great milestone for the development of the ecosystem we have build, so come and celebrate the success. The platform has been growing at pace, with new groups being added very month. Please feel free to join us For more details and to reserve your place please visit http://Chapters.Neurons.AI/UK/London/
I am very pleased to announce that we have decided to open up the platform so anyone can read the content posted on the site from user blogs and forum posts. This should make the platform more accessible to everyone, and mean that you only need to sign-up and login if you wish to post content to share with others. We hope this makes the platform more useful for most people that are just interested in reading others points of view. As always we appreciate people’s feedback and are looking to make this and the rest of our AI ecosystem as useful as possible for everyone.
Imagine a set of instructions just like an assembler program. Lets assume in one variant that there are only 4 possible instructions. A C G T. The order and the combinations of these instructions can build any kind of complex sequence. And actually any kind of complex creature as our DNA is exactly what i am talking about. Only four instructions are the basic program for all living creature. Including man. Now in a digital lifetime lets assume that the same principle could be used to construct an artificial creature. A software complex enough to solve narrow tasks. And there is such a construction. I have called it CAL Cortex Assembler Language. It has about 30 instructions and it can be used to build any kind of neural network or state machine. The interesting part is that you can program...
We are very pleased to announce that the 2018 AI Awards are now officially open for initial Nominations. This year, we have 52 Awards, across six categories. See our previous post for more details on the list of Awards. To nominate an AI Company, Product or Individual please fill in this online AI Awards Nomination form. To learn more about the schedule for the awards, check out our Programme. Please read our Guidelines and our competition Rules are available for your reference. Its still not too late to be one of our Awards sponsors, contact us for more information. See Awards.AI for more information
My interpretation of the difference between AI and Machine Learning demands a couple of analogies. AI is to Machine Learning as Wicca is to Druidism, or Light Beer to Irish Whiskey. I have fallen in love with the idea of Transhumanism, and that led me to do my own personal, non-professional research into the link between Neurology and AI, which I began entirely by accident while roaming a college library out of boredom, looking for interesting topics that might peak my ravenous curiosity. It’s amazing what you can find when you really have no idea what you are looking for! When studying matters of this nature, I use a great amount of imagination and abstract thought. My perception shifts gear into Modular Design and Interpretive Dance. When doing this, I’ve come to realize that...
Everybody is talking about how automation will impact employment. From robotics in Manufacturing to AI in legal firms, millions of jobs may be affected by our increasingly automated society. So what are we going to do about this feared ‘mass unemployment’? Is It Really An Issue? Whilst the mainstream media is running around yelling that the sky is falling, it’s important to maintain perspective. Is AI going to take our jobs, really? Well, it’s a tough one to answer. It’s undoubtable that jobs will be lost, but if history tells us anything, it is that where old jobs disappear, technology creates new ones. The first Industrial Revolution was a major disruption to the entire way of life people had been used to. Electricity and telephones, and the subsequent invention and mass adoption of the ...
In a recent article, we talked about the ways in which Natural Language Processing could be an administrative saviour in the healthcare system. However, this technology is just one of the aspects of Medicine and Healthcare that are seeing the rise of AI and robotics promising a major positive impact. So far, we have seen deep learning algorithms accurately (96%) diagnose tuberculosis from chest x-rays. Google has trained an AI to detect the spread of breast cancer into lymph node tissue on microscopic specimen images. Neural networks have demonstrated that they are capable of competing with human physicians at detecting changes in diabetes from images of a patient’s retina. These are merely a few examples of how AI is being used in diagnosis. However, one of the most major applications of...