The Duality between Genetic Algorithms and Deep Learning
I claim that it is possible to solve any deep learning problem better using a new technique I have discovered a method that combines back propagation and genetic evolution. It trains faster and more accurate.
Published in Members Blogs
Menno Mafait
Anders, what if the theory of evolution is invalid? Nevertheless, good luck.
Anders Modén
In one perspective the evolution theory is just a name on a certain methodology in genetic programming that defines a number of operations that can be made on a population of mathematical solutions that has a unique probability feature. It can find random solutions but its very likely to find solutions near old solutions. Its these features i exploit in my software and that identifies this duality between back propagation and genetic algorithms.
Menno Mafait
Anders, on average, a structured search is faster than a random search. For that reason, genetic programming never used in serious solutions.
A nasty blow for the theory of evolution: I am reverse-engineering the language center of our brain, assuming that the language center of the brain is intelligently designed. And scientists / evolutionists fail to deliver even the simplest of my results: